Home WSLM Sports Cincinnati Reds WSLM Hosts Reds in Salem For First Time

WSLM Hosts Reds in Salem For First Time


WSLM proved the slogan “When you’re in WSLM COUNTRY – YOU’RE IN REDS COUNTRY” true last Thursday when Cincinnati Reds affiliate WSLM 1220 AM hosted the South group of the Reds Caravan for a historical stop in Salem at the American Legion.

“I was very pleased to be able to bring the Cincinnati Reds Caravan to Salem for the first time in our 200 year history,” said Becky White, WSLM owner and general manager. “Unfortunately it wasn’t an event open to the general public, but hopefully in years to come we can involve different Reds fans in our listening area.”

Fox Sports Broadcaster Thom Brennamen talks with Reds General Manager Walt Jocketty at the American Legion in Salem.
Reds Team Mascot Mr. Red Legs applies a Reds sticker to the head of Bradie Shrum Elementary School Principal Brent Minton during the Reds Caravan stop in Salem last week. WSLM, an affiliate of the Reds on Radio Network, hosted the event.
Becky White, owner and GM of WSLM Radio welcome guests to the American Legion last Thursday for a historical first visit to Salem by the Cincinnati Reds baseball team during their Caravan Tour across the tri-state area.
Mayor David Bower presented a certificate to Chief Operating Officer of the Reds, Phil Castellini, son of team owner Bob Castellini . Bower proclaimed Thursday, Jan. 25 as REDS DAYS IN SALEM
Becky White of WSLM hosted the Cincinnati Reds at the Legion for over an hour as fans, WSLM staff and guests posed for photos and had items autographed.
Fox Broadcasters Jim Day, left, and Thom Brennamen, far right, flank outfielder Ryan LaMarre, catcher Corky Miller, Becky White, WSLM owner and GM, and pitcher Mat Lattos.


The stop in Salem lasted about 75 minutes and involved Reds pitcher Mat Lattos, Reds catcher Corky Miller, general manager Walt Jocketty, minor league outfielder Ryan LaMarre, chief operating officer Phil Castellini, Fox Sports broadcasters Thom Brennaman and Jim Day, as well as Mr. Redlegs.

Mayor David Bower was on hand to present Castellini with a certificate proclaiming January 25 as REDS DAY IN SALEM.

“When Becky told me the Reds were coming to Salem, I didn’t know what to expect,” said Bower. “She’s actually got big name Reds personnel here – the owner’s son, the general manager and top players! She’s doing a wonderful job with WSLM and the community should be proud of her accomplishments.”

Others along for the Caravan were members of Cincinnati USA Travel, who sponsored the event.

“I want to thank the staff of the American Legion hosting the event as well as Newlon’s Grocery, Redneck BBQ and Sav-A-Lot for their donations,” said White. “We had about 60 in attendance and the Reds were fantastic! They spoke to everyone on a personal level, signed autographs and posed for pictures. It was a very personal stop and I was thrilled to be able to give that experience to Reds fans in the WSLM listening area.”

The Reds Caravan involves stops at public events, such as the one at Louisville Bats stadium and the Bloomington College Mall and stops like this, at affiliate Reds stations.

“We became a Reds affiliate two years ago and last fall signed a three-year extension,” said White. WSLM 1220 AM reaches more than 39 counties in Southern Indiana, Northern Kentucky and Western Illinois. “They wanted to fill in some areas that weren’t covered and we were able to help them do that. The commitment to baseball on the radio by the Castellini family has been tremendous.”

When the Castellini family took over the Reds a few years ago, the number of Reds radio affiliates were at less than 50. Now the number stands at well over 100.

During an Affiliate Day message, team owner Bob Castellini told broadcasters, “Radio is very important to us because it helps us reach fans and connect with them. There’s nothing like setting on the front porch on a summer night listening to a baseball game.”

“I was so thrilled to hear him say that,” said White, “because radio does what other mediums can’t do. It connects listeners with programming and builds a relationship through the radio. For the Reds, that translates into baseball fans who want to go to Great American Ball Park to see their favorite players and get the experience of a lifetime by watching a game in a Major League baseball stadium.”

Spring training games begin on WSLM with an opening game with the Cleveland Indians on February 26 at 3:05p.

Opening day of regular season will be Monday, March 31 at Cincinnati with the St. Louis Cardinals at 4:10p.

WSLM will be giving away Reds tickets and other Reds items throughout the spring and summer so be sure and listen for your chance to play on the air or go to www.wslmradio.com/contests to sign up to win.

To keep up with the Reds all season, go to https://wslmradio.com/wslm-sports/cincinnati-reds/