The Salem High School Cheerleaders are hosting their annual cheer clinic on Thursday, Feb. 18 at the Bradie M. Shrum Elementary gym.

The clinic is from 3-6p. Participants will learn to cheer, several chants, motions and jumps.  The cost is $15 or $25 with a t-shirt.

Cheer Clinic participants will also get in free to the SHS Boys Varsity basketball game on Friday, Feb. 19 and will perform at halftime.

To pre-register, fill out the attached form and bring it or mail with payment to the Bradie M. Shrum Elementary School, 1101 N Shelby St, Salem, IN 47167 by Thursday, Feb. 4.

In order to receive a shirt, you must pre-register. Please make checks payable to SHS CHEERLEADERS.
