Indianapolis, In. – Forty-eight roadside inspectors representing jurisdictions across North America gathered in Indianapolis, Indiana, Aug. 8-12, 2016, to compete in the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) 24th annual North American Inspectors Championship (NAIC), the only event dedicated to testing, recognizing and awarding commercial motor vehicle inspector excellence. |
Each year, CVSA recognizes the best of the best by inviting the top inspector from each jurisdiction throughout North America to participate in NAIC. In addition to the competitive events, each inspector receives training on the latest safety information, technology, standards and inspection procedures. All of the inspection categories are timed events and the compilation of scores for these categories result in a Grand Champion. The Jimmy K. Ammons Grand Champion Award is the highest NAIC honor for roadside inspectors. This year, the Grand Champion Award was awarded to Daniel Voelker of the Arizona Department of Public Safety for his combined performances in six competition elements:
This is the third year that the Indiana State Police Department has sent the winner of the state competition to the national championship. Commercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement Master Trooper Jeremy Woods, a Randolph County native and 21 year member of the Indiana State Police, placed 19th in this year’s competition and represented the department well. “I thoroughly enjoyed the competition with all of the other representatives from across the North America,” stated M/Trp. Woods. “The different levels and types of inspection and written testing modules enhanced my personal inspection procedures which in turn is an asset to the public. The Indiana State Police has been represented the last two years at the NAIC by M/MCI Charles Lovins in 2014 at Pittsburgh, PA. and M/MCI Melinda Shelton in 2015 at St. Louis. Mo. “We were very pleased to be the host state for this year’s championship event,” stated Indiana State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division Commander Major Mike Eslinger. “Master Trooper Woods did a great job during the competition and has continued the tradition of being a great representative of the ISP/CVED. “The best inspectors throughout North America aspire to compete at NAIC. Many of the competitors here this week are winners of their jurisdiction’s inspector’s championship or were selected to compete at NAIC as esteemed representatives from their agency,” said CVSA President Maj. Jay Thompson with the Arkansas Highway Police. “However, it’s important to note that NAIC is much more than a competition. It’s an opportunity for training, education and professional growth, and it fosters camaraderie and cooperation among inspectors, jurisdictions and countries.” “Roadside inspectors across North America play a vital safety role each and every day,” said FMCSA Administrator Scott Darling. “These dedicated men and women each year perform more than 3.5 million truck and bus inspections, which prevent 14,000 crashes, save hundreds of lives and eliminate thousands of needless injuries. FMCSA applauds the vital safety partnership of all CVSA-member inspectors.” Roadside inspectors are highly trained professionals who save lives every day by removing unsafe commercial motor vehicles and drivers off our roads. The work of a commercial motor vehicle inspector is not easy, but it is vital in ensuring public safety on North American roadways. NAIC was created to recognize the hard work and expertise of inspectors and officers – the backbone of the commercial motor vehicle safety program in North America – and promote uniformity of inspections through training and education. NAIC is sponsored by CVSA and many of its valued associate members. For the past 24 years, the championship event has been held in partnership with the American Trucking Associations’ (ATA) National Truck Driving Championships (NTDC). NAIC has been recognized by the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) as an event that “Advances America.” For further information on the Indiana State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division go to and click on the “Commands” link. |
Home WSLM NEWS Local News Indiana State Police Trooper Competes in CVSA North American Inspectors Championship