Home WSLM NEWS Local News Dr. Lopez Addresses Covid-19 Numbers in Orange County

Dr. Lopez Addresses Covid-19 Numbers in Orange County


With the rise in numbers of confirmed cases for COVID-19 in Orange County, Health Officer Dr. Josez Lopez would like to let area residents know the local medical community and their support staff are doing all that can be done to care for those affected and to keep this virus from spreading.

There are some things that might help in the understanding of this rise in numbers, according to Lopez. 

In the two weeks since April 20, Orange County’s Covid-19 cases have ballooned from 34 to 104. 

As the state reports confirmed cases, even though accurate, there is an occasional delay in those reporting, said Lopez.

These numbers are reported from each county in the state from entities doing the testing for Coronavirus.

The places testing and reporting include medical providers, hospitals, and long term care.

The drastic jump in confirmed cases in Orange County this past week was mostly due to a delay in documentation causing these numbers to be updated in a large quantity even though the cases were not all confirmed at the same time, Lopez said. 

Dr. Lopez also said the numbers are cumulative, meaning persons who were confirmed but have since recovered and finished their quarantine are included.

This number also includes those who have unfortunately passed away due to this virus.

Another group of those who are included in this cumulative number are those who are being treated and cared for outside of Orange County but who have residency within the county.

The Health Officer, Public Health Nurse, other health department staff, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Orange County EMA, and all local providers and support staff are caring for those under
their care in manners consistent with medical protocol and CDC guidance.

Some of this group are working directly with patients, others are working as support to be sure those medical providers have
what they need.

As more testing is being administered, more confirmed cases will come to light.

There have most likely been people with the virus who were not symptomatic, and therefore not tested. Much speculation is being made throughout the county and on social media about where these cases are.

With over 20,000 residents in Orange County, these confirmed cases are throughout the county. It is important to remember
that these people are being cared for.

The fact that they are confirmed means that the health department has contacted them and is working closely with them to ensure their recovery and their good health returning as soon as possible.

“As the county is preparing to re-open in stages we are at this time adhering to guidance from our governor, our local county commissioners, and CDC. We encourage everyone to also adhere to this guidance. We must remember that we have been social distancing and following other protocol because
this is a serious health issue,” Lopez noted in a press release.

“Our goal is to keep this virus from spreading, taking care of those who are affected and get back to a more normal way of life,” he said. “[I] would like to offer a special thanks to all of those following the guidelines given. Even though it may be difficult at times, the end result of bringing a more normal way of life back to Orange county will come quicker if guidelines are followed.”