Home WSLM NEWS Reduced tickets for opening night of “PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM”

Reduced tickets for opening night of “PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM”


Washington County Actors’ Community Theatre’s next production, “Play It Again, Sam,” opens on Friday evening, April 19, at 7:30 in Salem. WCACT is inviting anyone ready to laugh at a good story to come see the show on opening night for half the regular ticket price.

Shows will be presented on Friday and Saturday evenings (April 19, 20, 26, and 27) at 7:30, with one Sunday matinee (April 28) at 2 p.m.

Tickets (except for the opening night half-price deal) are $9 (adults) and $8 (students), available at the door. The show’s venue is Gary W. Hartsook Hall at 402 N. Harrison Street. Those planning to attend are cautioned regarding the show’s adult content, and parental guidance is suggested. For more information, call Bledsoe at 620-6600.