The Salem Parks and Recreation Department, “Opening Day at the Ball Field”, is planned for Monday, April 29th, 2013 at 5:15pm, games begin at 5:30pm. The event is held at Community Park in Salem.
The National Anthem will be sung by Tanya Webb and invocation by Salem Police Chief Troy Merry. Mayor David Bower will be making the first pitch across home plate on the Major/Minor field, Jeff Williams on “Williams Field” Tee Ball and Rookie, and the WSLM Weather Bird along with Becky White will throw out the first pitch on the Girl’s Softball Field.
League Directors this year are Rodney Brough Girl’s Softball and Boy’s Major and Minor leagues along with Eric Williams, Tee Ball and Rookie leagues. Brad Philpott will be overseeing the Pony League
Pizza and drinks will available to the players.
For more information you may call the Parks and Recreation Office at 812-883-2895.