Home WSLM NEWS Number of Car Titles Up in Indiana

Number of Car Titles Up in Indiana


The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles reports that the number of new and used car titles processed by the state continues to rise.


Numbers are up in Indiana

BMV statistics show that during the economic decline from 2007 to 2009, the number of processed titles dropped. However, from 2009 to 2012, the number of titles the state processed rose almost nine-percent from 1.81 million in 2009 to 1.97 million in 2012.

Auto Dealers Association of Indiana Executive Vice President Marty Murphy says dealers have definitely noticed an upswing in recent years. Murphy cites a combination of an improved economy, pent up demand and good, new products.

Murphy says dealers have also become better operators. He says sales are up across the board for all sorts of vehicles, but especially fuel efficient vehicles. Murphy says dealers still have some recovering to do, but they‘re nowhere near as bad as they were during the economic slide.