Home WSLM NEWS Master Gardener’s Plant Sale Coming Up May 11

Master Gardener’s Plant Sale Coming Up May 11


The Good Earth Master Gardeners’ 13th Annual Plant Sale will be Saturday May 11th at the Ruler Parking Lot, junctions of US60 and US135.

Chairperson Molly has acquired some very much loved rare plants as well as transplants form many of the wonderful gardens of Washington County. 

The next meeting of the Good Earth Master Gardeners will be Thursday, May 9th, 6:30 p.m. at Terry Cottongim's garden building located on Hwy. 56 East. They will be collecting and pricing plants for this plant sale. If anyone has any plants to donate to the sale, you can mark them at your home and bring them to sale site on Saturday or Cottongim Building Thursday evening at 6:30.