Home WSLM NEWS IPS Superintendent Will be “New” to School Operations

IPS Superintendent Will be “New” to School Operations


The next Indianapolis Public Schools Superintendent will be running a school system for the first time.

None of the three finalists chosen by the IPS Board has been a superintendent before, and none is from Indiana. Thomas Darden is Executive Director of New York Schools for ASPIRA, a group that offers support to young Latinos. Lewis Ferebee (FAIR-uh-bee) is currently chief of staff for Durham Public Schools in North Carolina. Millard House is also from North Carolina – he is Chief Operating Officer for Charlotte-Mecklenberg Schools.
The finalists will interview with the board Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and meet the public at a forum Thursday night. The community meeting will start at 6:00 pm at the Board Room of the John Morton-Finney Center for Educational Services, located at 120 East Walnut Street. Each of the candidates will address those attending the meeting, with time to talk informally with the public afterward.

The Board is expected to choose the favorite for the next superintendent during a private meeting Saturday morning. Under state law, the board is required to publicly post the superintendent‘s contract and hold a public meeting on the contract before making an official hire.

A date for that public meeting has not been set.