One of the Indiana teens injured in a parasailing accident in Florida is undergoing therapy for her injuries in Indianapolis. Alexis Fairchild is now at the Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana.

Fairchild suffered broken bones in the upper section of her spine, a skull fracture and a brain injury. Her father Mike Fairchild says his daughter “still has a long way to go”,but adds his daughter is in good spirits and doctors say she‘s a good candidate to recover due to her age and being physically fit.

Doctors says she will undergo physical therapy, occupational therapy as well as speech therapy. RHI Medical Director Dr. Lisa Lombard says they aren‘t sure how long the recovery process will take, but they say Alexis will likely be at the Rehab Hospital for at least 10 days.

Fairchild, and her friend Sidney Good, were injured when a cable snapped as they were parasailing behind a boat in the Gulf of Mexico on July 1st. Good continues to be treated for several injuries in a Florida hospital.