Home WSLM NEWS St.Vincent Salem Emergency Physician Awarded Doc Hollywood Award by Indiana Rural Health...

St.Vincent Salem Emergency Physician Awarded Doc Hollywood Award by Indiana Rural Health Association


Salem, Indiana – September 13, 2013 – On August 8, St.Vincent Salem Hospital Emergency Medicine physician, Joel Nunley, MD, was awarded the Doc Hollywood award during the IRHA Annual Conference.

The Doc Hollywood Award was created to recognize the many individuals who care professionally for folks in rural and underserved communities across the country.  It is also a way to honor those medical professionals who have shown dedication toward improving healthcare in his/her own underserved rural community.

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Dr. Nunley was nominated by St.Vincent Salem Hospital for many different reasons. Not only is he a full-time Emergency physician in rural Washington County in southern Indiana, but he is also pastor at City on the Hill Church in Scottsburg and a tireless volunteer in both communities.

Dr. Nunley consistently offers to pray with patients and/or families in the ER after he has treated them, but once he leaves the hospital, Dr. Nunley doesn’t stop! He also runs “Gospel-Driven” free community medical clinics and food giveaway events for families in need. The medical clinics include non-urgent medical exams, diabetes and blood pressure screenings and vision screenings. They also give away food to families in need, free haircuts, consultations for stress, anxiety and depression and they offer free dog and cat food and kitty litter to those in need.  These clinics are offered throughout Indiana approximately four times a year and are completely staffed by volunteers. Many times they are attended by 200-300 individuals in need of medical care and other types of assistance.

Every month, Dr. Nunley travels to the Scott County Jail to minister to the inmates and to pray with them. He hands out bibles and gives them his cell phone number to call if they need someone to talk to or pray with.

This year he also offered free sports physicals to students in Scott County, Indiana so that underprivileged children can also participate in school sports.

He is also part of an organization called “Breaking Borders” which focuses on taking medical care to third world countries and sharing the gospel in those countries. He has traveled several times to various countries with this group.

“I was pleasantly shocked to win this award! I just thought I had been nominated and that would be it,” said Dr. Nunley. “This award is just a way for me to give glory to God for all that he has done in my life. I wouldn’t be able to put on the clinics and devote my time to all these endeavors without my family, the volunteers and churches that so graciously support it. It is a way to share the gospel with those who attend by providing testimonials, compassionate care and showing them the love of Jesus.”

“Dr. Nunley is very deserving of the Doc Hollywood Award,” said Dana Muntz, CEO/CNO at
St.Vincent Salem Hospital. “He is constantly looking to help others. He is not only a supporter with money, but with actions. He uses his medical training to further the well-being of others whenever and wherever he can, but graciously gives the glory to God when patients thank him for helping them feel better.”

Dr. Nunley’s next free medical clinic will be held on September 21 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Kid’s Place in Austin, Indiana. For more information, visit www.cityonahillscottsburg.com/ministries/free-medical-clinic/.

Dr. Nunley resides in Scottsburg with his wife, Peggy and their three children.