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Steele named Champion of Justice


State Sen. Brent Steele (R-Bedford), chair of the Indiana Senate Judiciary Committee, was honored Thursday as a Champion of Justice by the Indiana Judges Association for his work during the 2013 legislative session.

President of the Indiana Judges Association, Judge John R. Pera, said Steele brings “a pragmatic, thoughtful approach to all matters before his committee as they relate to Indiana’s judicial system,” and the association is proud to recognize him with this award.


“Our society relies on a justice system that’s fair, balanced and dependable,” Steele said. “Upholding these values has been an important part of both my job at the Statehouse and my private law practice. It is an honor to be recognized by the Judges Association, and I’m humbled by Indiana’s strong community of lawyers, judges and other court officials who defend our justice system every day.”

Steele advanced several bills this session to improve Indiana’s justice system, including:

· House Enrolled Act 1006: Updating Indiana’s felony code for the first time in more than 30 years, making sure our state’s criminal sentencing policies are fair and consistent for both victims and offenders.

· House Enrolled Act 1016: Promoting rehabilitation in the state’s justice system by expanding problem solving courts.

· House Enrolled Act 1053: Improving Indiana’s sex offender registry.

· House Enrolled Act 1108: Establishing sentencing alternatives for young offenders.

· House Enrolled Act 1482: Giving offenders a fresh start by allowing for expungement of certain crimes if offenders demonstrate their rehabilitation.
This summer and fall, Steele is serving as chair of the Commission on Courts, which is responsible for reviewing issues involving court administration at both the state and local levels, and working to make sure all Indiana courts have balanced caseloads.

The Indiana Judges Association also honored Sen. Luke Kenley (R-Noblesville), Rep. Greg Steuerwald (R-Avon) and Rep. Steven Braun (R-Zionsville) with the Champion of Justice award at their annual meeting in Fort Wayne today.