Home WSLM NEWS State News Spring Mill helping raise money for clothing and toys

Spring Mill helping raise money for clothing and toys


Spring Mill Fraternal Order of Police Lodge and Cynics MC are teaming together for a Cops & Kids motorcycle ride.

The event will benefit children in Lawrence County by allowing them to go shopping for clothes and toys for Christmas.

The youngsters, while shopping, will be accompanied by officers and staff members from police departments in Lawrence and Orange counties.

The ride is planned for Saturday. Registration will begin at 10 a.m. and the ride will follow at 11 a.m.

The registration fee is $25 per bike. Passengers ride for free.

The ride will begin at Tabernacle of Praise Church, 1381 U.S. 50 E., and will end at the Spring Mill FOP Lodge at 1465 Motocross Road, Mitchell.