Home WSLM NEWS Breaking News Fall Taxes Due Today

Fall Taxes Due Today


The Fall installment of property taxes are due today in the office of Washington County Treasurer Bob Woodward. and the office is extending office hours to accommodate taxpayers.

The office will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
There are other places where taxpayers may pay as well, including any branch of First Harrison Bank.
Payments may be mailed in, but must be postmarked Nov. 12 or before, or may be left in the drop box on the south side of the building.

Taxpayers also have the option of paying online.

Treasurer Bob Woodward noted that taxpayers may use credit or debit cards, but will be accessed a fee by the credit card company. The fee is 2.95 percent of the amount being paid. This fee is collected by the payment company.

For more information, contact the treasure’s office, 883-3307 or by e-mail, rwoodward@washingtoncounty.in.gov.