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Rotary Club Raising Money For Phillipine Victims


The Salem Rotary Club is raising funds to assist with disaster relief in the Philippines as a result of Super Typhoon Haiyan. The storm destroyed entire coastal towns with record winds and tsunami like waves as much as 16 feet in height. The city of Tacloban was nearly destroyed. Over a half a million people are estimated to have lost their homes.

All funds raised by Salem Rotary will be given to ShelterBox USA. www.shelterboxusa.org. Each shelter box contains a tent, thermal blankets, water purification supplies, a basic took kit, a multi-fuel cook stove and utensils, and a children’s pack. ShelterBox USA is a Rotary affiliated organization.


Each Shelter Box costs $1,000.00 and weighs approximately 120 pounds. Each Rotarian has been challenged to raise $99 towards this effort. This will fund three shelter boxes. Salem Rotary Club is seeking additional donations from the community to purchase additional boxes.

President Mike Motsinger stated, “Anyone wanting to contribute to this huge relief effort and who wants to be sure that their donation is used for the purpose for which its given can donate through Salem Rotary Club”. All donations are tax deductible. Donations for this purpose can be given to any Rotary member, dropped off at Old National Bank, First Savings Bank, Regions, First Harrison, Mead Law Office, Loy & Fordyce, or mailed to Salem Rotary Club, PO. Box 593, Salem, IN 47167.