Washington County Sheriff Claude Combs is very proud of his deputies this morning.
Not just for doing their jobs everyday but for going the extra mile during NO SHAVE NOVEMBER to let their beards grow and raise money for the American Cancer Society.
“I’m real proud of these guys,” he said. “But all joking aside, they shave their beards today. I want my guys clean shaven and looking respectable.”
Combs said the men would not shave during the month of November and let beards, moustaches and goatees grow. And grow they did.
Combs joked with a few of them, saying they would make good “beach bums.”
The deputies were hoping to raise $1,000 which was Combs’ goal.
The final total was over $2,100 with Randy Lee, raising the most — $800 and winning a new Wahl Cordless Trimmer, a $70 value from WSLM.
Six of the 19 deputies participating raised more than $100.
From left, Brent Miller, Jimmy Strange, Randy Lee, Aaron Dennis, Wayne Blevins and Joe Keltner collected more than $100 each. No Shave November resulted in some No Shave Deputies at the Washington County Sheriff’s Department. Sheriff Claude Combs jokes with deputies about making sure they come in Tuesday with a clean face.
Because some of the men are “hairier” than others, Combs said they were going to forgo traditional rules of seeing who has the best or biggest beard. Instead the contest was judged on who had the most donations.
On the No Shave November site, they say the goal of No-Shave November is to grow awareness by embracing our hair, which many cancer patients lose, and letting it grow wild and free.
Combs and Deputy Sheriff Roger Newlon opted not to grow a beard, but donated instead.