All mobile home owners should have received or will soon receive a letter from the Washington County Assessor’s office concerning Senate Enrolled Act 433.
A personal property mobile home is one in which the owner of the mobile home does not own the land that the mobile home sits on.
This act made several changes to the local administration of mobile and manufactured homes, including requiring owners to turn in the vehicle identification number (VIN) for each personal property mobile home to the assessor’s office.
The assessor’s office needs a completed form (which was attached to the letter) or a copy of the Mobile Home title returned to them by December 20, 2013.
This will help the assessor’s office verify that all the information they have on file is correct.
To obtain a copy of the title, owners may contact the local Bureau of Motor Vehicles office at 883-2100.
The BMV is providing the below information to assist customers with obtaining a vehicle identification number to satisfy the requirements as enacted in Indiana Code 6-1.1-7-16.
• All manufactured homes are required to have a valid VIN/Serial Number attached and be titled.
• If an owner wishes to apply for a title and/or needs a VIN for the home and does not have a properly executed certificate of title or certificate of origin, a Court Order is required before the BMV can issue a state assigned VIN or a title.
For information on VIN and title application requirements with a court order as the ownership document please visit the website. Applications can be obtained from any local license branch as well, but must be mailed with all required documents to the BMV Central Office in Indianapolis for processing: – Instructions for an Application for a Vehicle Identification Number. – Instructions for Application for Certificate of Title from Court Order ownership document.
For more information or questions, call the assessor’s office at 883-4000.