A Purdue Extension beef management seminar will give cattle producers the chance to learn about factors that affect meat quality and how local beef producers can influence those factors on their own farms. Speakers for the day’s program include Warren Beeler, Dr. Troy Wistuba, Dr. Gregg Rentfrow and David Newsome, some of the area’s top experts on this topic.
The Beef Management Seminar will be Saturday, January 18 in Bedford and will include discussions about “The Value of Carcass Evaluation to Beef Producers,” “Fetal Programming,” “Genetics, EPD’s and Animal Selection Influence on Meat Quality” and “Carcass Evaluation Characteristics.”
“It is important for producers in all sectors of beef production to understand, evaluate and improve carcass characteristics. Raising cattle is a business and if consumers are not happy with the quality of the end product, we will all be out of business.” said Danielle Walker, Purdue Extension educator in Washington County. “It is always important for us to stay up-to-date on any improvements we can make to our operations.”
Local cattle supply dealers will be on hand to visit with seminar participants.
The seminar will run from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Lawrence County Fairgrounds, 11265 state Route 50 W., Bedford. Registration is $30 per person, students are $25. All registrations would be appreciated by Tuesday, January 14. The fee includes meals, snacks and take-home reference materials.
Continuing education credit for veterinarians is available at no extra cost.
More information or to register contact the Purdue Extension – Lawrence County office at 812-275-4623 or the Purdue Extension – Washington County office at 812-883-4601.