Home WSLM NEWS Breaking News Troopers Need Help Identifying Robbers

Troopers Need Help Identifying Robbers


This past Friday, January 3rd, at approximately 6:30 am, an elderly male retrieved money from an ATM machine located at the New Washington State Bank on Main Street in Henryville, (Clark County).

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As the elderly male walked away from the machine he was approached by two white male subjects demanding the money he withdrew. One of the subjects even pointed a hand gun at the elderly male. The elderly man gave them the money and the two robbers quickly got into a black SUV and fled the scene going north towards County Road #160, (Old State Road #160).

One of the white males was approximately 5’-10” to 6’-01” tall with a close cropped beard and mustache. He was wearing a black baseball style hat turned backwards, a gray hooded sweat shirt or jacket, with a dark colored shirt under the hooded sweat shirt or jacket. He was wearing dark colored pants and his shoes were of an unknown type.

The other white male was approximately 5’-10” to 6’-1” tall wearing a tan colored baseball style hat. He was wearing a pair of Carhart style bib overalls with a black crew neck shirt underneath and work style boots. This subject allegedly pointed a hand gun at the elderly male while the robbery was taking place.

Anyone with information on this robbery is encouraged to contact Detective David Makowsky at the Indiana State Police Post at Sellersburg at 1-800-872-6743 or outside of Indiana at 812-246-5424.

Callers can also contact Crime Stoppers of Kentuckiana at 1-502-582-CLUE, (2583), for up to a $1,000.00 reward.