95 units of blood were collected at Friday’s Blood drive at the Salem First Christian Church.
“We were shooting for 75 units,” said Joe Condor of the American Red Cross. “We had another major turn out & terrific result in our 1st Christian Church Salem Blood Drive Friday night. This is our largest Blood drive in Central Indiana & everyone continues to help spread the word.”
Condor said in all the 95 units would help save 235 lives. “We reached 127 percent of our goal, which was 75 units and I’m thrilled. Thanks to everyone in the beautiful Salem area for their response to our mission of “Saving Lives””
Condor had said earlier this week on WSLM that more than 20 blood drives were cancelled in the past three weeks because of the inclement weather. “The need is urgent and we need folks to turn out and give blood in this time of severe need.”