The trial for a former Washington County Commissioner that was to have begun this morning in Washington Circuit Court has been delayed because the current county government has closed the courthouse due to the snow.
Due to the extreme weather conditions and the closing of the circuit court, Washington County officials closed the courthouse and circuit court this morning.
Jurors are to report at 9a Wednesday January 22 to the Circuit Court to begin the trial.
Mike Goering was arrested in March 2013 on charges of child molestation involving a Washington County girl under the age of 16.
Goering turned himself in to Washington County police officers.
Washington County Sheriff’s Chief Deputy Roger Newton said the accusations are shocking.
“It was reported by the victim’s family,” Newton said.
Goering was the director of the county’s solid waste district until his arrest.
Before that, he was the county engineer and served as a county commissioner and owned and operated a Maple Syrup farm and business and festival in Eastern Washington County.