Home WSLM NEWS Local News Pekin woman charged in domestic incident

Pekin woman charged in domestic incident


A Pekin woman faces several charges following a domestic incident last week.

37-year-old Holly Knight, of East Poplar Street was arrested after her husband called police reporting Knight was destroying their home and was chasing him with a knife in a fit of rage.

Her husband says Knight was mad because he refused to go buy her cigarettes. He told told her she  had money and she could buy her own.


That infuriated Knight who then began scratching and biting her husband. She then grabbed a kitchen knife and began chasing her husband, threatening to stab him. Both of the couple’s children were present.

Police says Knight was drinking and when officers entered the home she began cursing them and ordered them out of her home. They also noticed that Knight’s husband had several bleeding wounds.

Officers asked Knight to stop and let officers frisk her for weapons. She did, but continued to be verbally abusive and began pulling away for officers elbowing them. When her husband approached her, Knight grabbed his arm and biting it drawing blood. Police subdued Knight and placed her under arrest.

Knight continued to be uncooperative with officers, but did admit that she had grabbed a knife to make her husband “Back the F—up….because he is a man and she is a woman.”

Knight was charged with felony intimidation and domestic battery and resisting law enforcement. Knight was so uncooperative and verbally abusive the jail staff was unable to complete the book-in process.