Home WSLM NEWS Local News Sheriff position becomes three-way race for GOP Nod

Sheriff position becomes three-way race for GOP Nod


With the filing of a third candidate for Washington County Sheriff on the Republican ticket, there will be a three-way race for the GOP nod for party support come the May Primary election.


Roy Overshiner has decided that he will seek the Republican nomination for the office of Sheriff of Washington County. He’s preceded by fillings from John Revels and Danny Libka, who will also seek party support to run for Sheriff in the fall.

On the Democrat side, Salem Mayor David Bower has filed to run against Chief Deputy Sheriff Roger Newlon.

Overshiner said in a press release that after speaking to many in the community it became clear to [him] that the community was seeking an alternative choice for Sheriff, one that brings fairness, understanding, experience, professionalism and proactive approach to the office.

Overshiner noted in his statement that he is ready for a spirited  campaign in the primary and is excited about running a positive campaign that highlights his proactive and community involved vision for the Sheriff’s office, as well as a campaign that compares and contrasts his experience and professionalism with that of the other candidates.

Overshiner retired from Salem Police Department after 28 and a half years and is currently Staff Officer at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA). He has also worked in law enforcement at Indiana University and in Jackson County.