Home WSLM NEWS Local News Attorney General issues tips for conserving Propane

Attorney General issues tips for conserving Propane


Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller urges Hoosiers to conserve the amount  of propane they are using to heat their homes as supply shortages worsen due to  recent winter weather storm conditions.

Zoller said his office is monitoring propane prices and warning consumers to  conserve the amount of propane used to heat their homes.


Indiana Gov. Mike Pence ordered restrictions on propane transport to be eased  through Jan. 31 to help increase Indiana’s supply.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration issued a regional emergency  declaration for the Midwest last Sunday. It covered Illinois, Iowa, Kansas,  Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Indiana.

According to the Indiana Propane Gas Association, the regional emergency  declaration meant propane drivers would not be limited by the number of hours  they are on the road. This waiver would allow propane drivers to travel farther  to get propane, in order to take it back to their state for their customers.  This emergency declaration could be in place until next month.

“Consumers have likely noticed the spike in propane prices as the costs of  heating their homes have jumped significantly,” Zoeller said. “To help protect  consumers from being illegally gouged, our office is closely monitoring the  price of propane sold at all levels of the market. Unfortunately, there is no  easy solution to the current situation so we urge consumers to take adequate  precautions now to make sure their homes stay warm during these frigid  temperatures.”

Zoeller offered the following tips to consumers who use propane as their  primary home heating source:

  • Turn down your thermostat and monitor your household’s use of hot water and  time cooking using the stove or oven;
  • Closely monitor your propane tank’s levels as delayed home deliveries may  result from the overall supply shortage;
  • If possible, use alternative sources of heat to supplement your household’s  use of propane; and
  • If you are out of heat, contact the state’s 2-1-1 hotline to connect with  local organizations who are providing assistance.

Hoosiers who want to report suspected price gouging can do so by calling the  Attorney General’s Office hotline toll-free at 1-866-241-9753 or visiting www.IndianaConsumer.com.

Read more: http://fox59.com/2014/01/24/indiana-attorney-general-asks-hoosiers-to-conserve-propane-as-shortage-worsens/#ixzz2rPXNdT4d