Home WSLM NEWS Local News Steele to help preserve Hoosiers’ right to hunt and fish

Steele to help preserve Hoosiers’ right to hunt and fish


Legislation authored by State Sen. Brent Steele (R-Bedford) to protect Hoosiers’ right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife passed the full Senate Monday by a 43-4 vote.

Senate Joint Resolution 9 is a proposal to amend Indiana’s constitution to guarantee residents the right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife.


“Fishing and hunting are not only important parts of our Hoosier culture and history, but they enrich our economy,” Steele said. “An estimated 5,000 jobs revolve around the two sports, and they have a positive fiscal impact of more than $700 million to the State of Indiana. To preserve these pastimes, we must take action to protect these fundamental rights for generations to come.”

If passed by the General Assembly this year, the proposed amendment will have to pass the General Assembly again in the 2015 or 2016 legislative session. Then the amendment would go before voters statewide in the 2016 general election.

SJR 9 now moves to the House of Representatives for further consideration.