Home WSLM NEWS Breaking News Hunsucker, Vallonia, killed in accident near Medora

Hunsucker, Vallonia, killed in accident near Medora


A Jackson County woman died Monday afternoon of injuries caused when her husband’s car left the road and struck a utility pole northwest of Medora.

According to Jackson County Sheriff Michael Carothers, 94-year-old Mary Margaret Hunsucker, of Vallonia, was pronounced dead at Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis at 2:03 p.m.


The Marion County coroner’s office says Hunsucker died from head injuries.

The Jackson County Sheriff’s Department says that at about noon, a vehicle driven by 87-year-old John Hunsucker, of Vallonia, was traveling west on U.S. 50 when, for unknown reasons, the vehicle left the roadway and struck a utility pole head on.

Both John Hunsucker and his wife Mary Margaret suffered head injuries.

Mary was flown from Schneck Medical Center to Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. She died a short time later.

John Hunsucker was taken by ambulance to Methodist Hospital. His condition was not made available.

The Jackson County Sheriff’s Department is still working to determine what caused this fatal crash.