Home WSLM Sports Indianapolis Colts Irsay daughter to take over Colts operations

Irsay daughter to take over Colts operations


Carlie Irsay-Gordon, the 33-year-old daughter of Jim and Meg Irsay, will take over day to day operations of the Indianapolis Colts while her dad, Jim, is in rehab.


Irsay-Gordon is one of three daughters from the couple (who divorced last fall) whom Jim has said previously will have equal shares of team ownership when he dies.

The most famous sister might actually be Casey Irsay, who is married to racecar driver A.J. Foyt IV.

But Irsay-Gordon, who has attended NFL owners meetings for nearly a decade, will be in charge while Irsay gets the help he needs. It will be interesting to see if she speaks at the owners’ meetings in Orlando, which begin on Sunday. Jim Irsay is typically visible at the events, almost always speaking to the media.

According to the bio on the team website, Irsay-Gordon interned with the Colts in the football and marketing departments while pursuing her undergraduate degree, later graduating from Skidmore College in 2005 with a bachelor of arts degree in religious studies with a minor in geoscience.

She and her husband moved from Chicago to Indianapolis with their three children.

There has been speculation for the past few years that Jim Irsay might dial back his daily involvement with  the team. Perhaps Irsay-Gordon had been preparing for this day. Clearly, the team has faith in her abilities or she would not be overseeing this role.

Irsay was arrested in Carmel, IN Sunday night and arrested.