Home WSLM NEWS Local News WSLM and City of Salem Easter Eggs-travaganza at Museum Saturday 3-4:30p

WSLM and City of Salem Easter Eggs-travaganza at Museum Saturday 3-4:30p


The annual City of Salem Easter Event will be held in the Pioneer Village, Saturday, April 12, from 3 to 4:30 p.m., for children ages preschool through fifth grade.

Those participating in the event are Salem Public Library, Salem Parks and Recreation Department, John Hay Center Staff, Washington County Prevent Child Abuse Council, Salem Fire Department and Mayor Bower, Salem City Police Department, Soar!, WSLM, Meadow View Health and Rehab., Hoosier Uplands/Early Head Start/Hoosier Uplands Home Health Care and Hospice, and Hoosier Hills PACT.

There will be games, crafts, fun activities, candy, pictures with the Easter Bunny (bring your camera), and lots of fun!!

This is a free event to attend. For more information you may call the Park and Rec. Office at 883-2895 or the Salem Public Library at 883-5600.

In the event of inclement weather, it will not be rescheduled.