Home WSLM NEWS Local News National Lineman Appreciation Day April 18

National Lineman Appreciation Day April 18


Orange County REMC is recognizing April 18, 2014, as National Lineman Appreciation Day to honor the hardworking men who work often in challenging conditions to keep the power on.


They wake before the sun, pour steaming cups of coffee, and kiss their families goodbye.  After assembling at the headquarters for a daily briefing and to get the day’s orders, our 10 linemen and apprentices climb into their trucks and head out.  REMC’s line workers form a solid team with one job: to deliver safe, reliable electricity to our members.  But, their job can change in a million ways when rough weather steps in.

“Electric linemen do not often receive the recognition they deserve,” said Danny L. Arnold, Orange County REMC General Manager.  “They work all hours of the day, often in hazardous conditions far from their families, going above and beyond to restore power to their communities.  Our linemen, as well as linemen from all across the nation, truly deserve this special day of recognition.”

These highly skilled men power your homes and business every day.  They endure harsh weather and long hours, all to make your lives better.  Today (and every day), please take a moment to thank them. Orange County REMC’s 10 line workers are the heart of the Co-op Nation, proud and strong.

Use #ThankaLineman to show your support for the men and women who light our lives.