Home WSLM NEWS Breaking News Pekin Murder investigation continuing; police say rumors false

Pekin Murder investigation continuing; police say rumors false


Despite rumors of an arrest in the murder of a 41-year-old Pekin woman last week, police say they are still investigating and no arrest is imminent.


Both the Indiana State Police and Washington County Chief Deputy Sheriff Roger Newlon confirmed Wednesday evening that no arrest has been made.


Newlon said the investigation was continuing with the Washington County Sheriff’s Department, Pekin Town Marshall and the Washington County Prosecutor’s office all involved along with the ISP.

WSLM received several questions by phone and social media this week regarding the status of the investigation. The calls and messages passed along rumors of an arrest, who was supposed to be arrested and un-released details of the murder — all of them dismissed as rumors by the ISP.


41-year-old Kristi Williams was found dead in her home early Thursday morning and what happened remains under investigation but the Indiana State Police say now the investigation has turned to murder.

An autopsy was performed last Friday morning on  Williams at the Kentucky Medical Examiner’s Office in Louisville, KY.

The preliminary results showed Williams died due to severe trauma to her neck area. ISP Sgt. Jerry Goodin said he couldn’t comment at this time on the type of trauma involved — or whether it came from choking or a blow to the neck.

“Through our investigation that we have done over the last 24 hours, coupled with the information that we’ve received from the Kentucky Medical Examiner’s Office, we are officially calling this a murder investigation,” said Goodin on Friday.

According to ISP, who are assisting with the investigation, these results are only preliminary and the final determination of the cause of death will not be determined until all results from the autopsy are confirmed, which typically takes up to six weeks.

Newlon said the department received the 911 call from William’s boyfriend just before 7:30a on Thursday, April 22. Police rushed to the Williams’ home at 8531 State Road 335 and soon after contacted the ISP to help with the investigation.

“We’ve got several people of interest that we are speaking to,” said Goodin. “We are taking our time, that’s why we are trying to leave no stones unturned, again because we want to arrest the person responsible for Kristi’s death.”

A forensic team from Indianapolis worked the scene throughout the day Thursday to determine exactly what happened. Police are still collecting evidence at the scene.