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ISP “Click It or Ticket” May 9 – June 1


Motorists who refuse to wear their seat belts – beware. Indiana State Police today announced that Indiana’s 2014 “Click It or Ticket” seat belt enforcement campaign will begin Friday, May 9th and continue until June 1st

This national mobilization will also take place over the Memorial Day holiday period and is supported by thousands of law enforcement agencies and traffic safety advocates across the country. In Indiana, more than 250 law enforcement agencies will conduct special patrols – day and night, to identify and ticket unrestrained drivers and passengers. 

Although “Click It or Ticket” has been credited with increasing Indiana’s seat belt usage rate, we still have to improve to save even more lives. Statistics show wearing your seat belt increases your chances of surviving a crash by more than 50 percent. 

Motorists should be prepared to see more law enforcement on the roads during this special enforcement period. Special patrols will take place around the clock, and if law enforcement finds you on the road unbuckled at any time, you can expect to get a ticket. No excuses and no exceptions. 

“Click It or Ticket” is an annual enforcement effort that is supported by federal highway safety funding awarded to more than 250 state and local law enforcement agencies from ICJI’s Traffic Safety Division. Indiana’s enforcement mobilization is reinforced by paid, statewide advertising combined with targeted public outreach efforts aimed at comprehensively promoting the life-saving benefits of regular seat belt use to all motorists.