Home WSLM NEWS Local News Bailey Supports Bi-partisan Investigation into VA

Bailey Supports Bi-partisan Investigation into VA


Ninth Congressional District candidate Bill Bailey endorses an independent, bi-partisan investigation into the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. “Memorial Day ought to be about honoring our veterans, instead of learning how they are being dishonored by the Veterans Affairs department. I fear we are seeing just the tip of the iceberg about veterans’ needs being poorly handled,” Bailey, a Seymour Democrat, said.


“An investigation is an opportunity for the VA to create new efficiencies so that every claim for medical or non-medical benefits is addressed within six months,” Bailey said. “The problems are obviously systemic.”

Bailey and Billy Smith, his veterans’ affairs director, have visited many American Legion posts in the 9th Congressional District during the past year. “We have heard veterans state over and over that they have many complaints about their medical treatment in VA hospitals, the backlog of VA claims and the understaffing of VA branches,” Bailey noted.

“I’m surprised and disappointed that Rep. Todd Young, who is a veteran, has tolerated the deficiencies in the VA system, especially considering that he spent two years on the House Committee for Veterans Affairs,” Bailey added. “Our veterans deserve better.”