Home WSLM NEWS Breaking News ATV Accidents in Washington and Harrison send two to hospital

ATV Accidents in Washington and Harrison send two to hospital


Two ATV accidents send two to hospital Saturday  in Washington and Harrison Counties

Shortly after midnight, conservation officers were called to Floyd Memorial Hospital regarding the Washington county victim and learned of a second accident victim from Harrison County was also being treated.


The Washington county accident involving 36-year-old Jeremy Gilbert, of Salem, occurred on Ramsey Lane, just outside of Pekin.

According to officials, Gilbert was crossing a field when he lost control and flipped over an embankment causing injuries to his ankle and head; alcohol is believed to have been a contributing factor.

The Harrison county accident involving 17-year-old Cody Eastridge, of Elizabeth, occurred on Stuckey Road outside of Elizabeth.

Preliminary investigation indicates that Eastridge was traveling at a high-rate of speed on an un-registered off road motorcycle when he lost control and flipped, resulting in a fractured skull and head trauma.

Assisting agencies included the Washington County Sheriff’s Department. Possible charges are pending as a result.

Neither Gilbert nor Eastridge were wearing a helmet or safety equipment. Indiana Conservation Officers strongly encourage riders to always wear a helmet and necessary safety equipment when operating an ATV.