Get signed up for the Eastern Football Booster Club 2014 Golf Tournament to be held Wednesday, June 11 at Hidden Creek Golf Club.
It’s just $65 per golfer and all proceeds go to the Eastern High School Boys Football team.
Registration is open at 12:30p, Coach John Dablow and the Coaching Staff will welcome everyone at 1:30 and the afternoon begins at 2p with a shotgun start. There will be a dinner and awards ceremony at 6:30p.
Entry fee for the Scramble tournament includes 18 holes of golf, cart rental, range balls, participation gifts, hole prizes, refreshments and dinner.
Cash prizes go to the top three teams and there will be $10,000 Hole in One Contest as well as longest drive, putting and closest to the pin contests.
Call Coach Dablow at 812.967.3931, ext. 5225 or email him at for more information.