Home WSLM NEWS Local News Six Year Old Saves Mom With 911 Call

Six Year Old Saves Mom With 911 Call


A six-year-old who learned 911 in school and from his mother had a chance to use what he learned today. 


At approximately 4:03 p.m., this Saturday, June 07, 2014, afternoon, Indiana State Police (ISP) Senior Trooper Dan Avitia was advised by ISP Lowell Dispatch that a woman was having a medical emergency on I-80 west bound at the 14.2 mile marker (this is just west of Ripley Street). The woman, later identified as Jenny Iwinski, 31 of Thornton, Illinois, was driving a Toyota SUV and had parked on the outer shoulder of the roadway just prior to experiencing her medical problem. 

Luckily, Trooper Avitia was close by and arrived shortly after the dispatch. Upon opening the passenger door Avitia saw that Iwinski was indeed having a medical emergency, called for an ambulance and began to stabilize her. There were also two young boys inside the SUV ages 6 and 4 who were identified as Iwinski’s children. 

The six-year-old let Avitia know that he was the one who called 911. 

Lake Station Fire and EMS arrived shortly thereafter and transported Iwinski to Saint Mary’s Medical Center in Hobart for care. 

Avitia spoke with the six-year-old who told him that he remembered being taught to call 911 in school and to call police when you need help. He also stated his mommy also taught him to use 911 at home. 

Both boys were released to an aunt. Iwinski and her boys were coming from a birthday party. 

Trooper Avitia stated, “While you hope your child never has to deal with an emergency situation this shows the importance of a child knowing what to do in case they face one.”