A Washington County man has been arrested after two months of investigation by the Indiana State Police on charges he provided and used marijuana with his daughter. Paul Amburgey, 37, was arrested without incident for Neglect of a Dependant, D Felony and incarcerated at the Washington County Jail. A warrant had been issued by Washington County Circuit Judge Larry Medlock for his arrest based on information collected during the investigation.
Amburgey’s daughter, now 16, told ISP Trooper Rachel Eickholtz in March that she had been smoking marijuana with her cousin and father. The daughter was in the care of Wellstone Regional Hospital on March 11 for attempted suicide.
She had disclosed the information to the staff. According to the minor’s information in the police report, the last time she smoked pot with her father was three months ago in Charlestown.
She indicated in the police report, she smoked pot with him 25 times in Clark County and around 80 times in Washington County. She said this began when she was eight years old. Paul Ambergey states in the police report, his daughter brought the marijuana to their weekend visits and he showed her how to properly roll a joint. He sent her home with the remainder of the marijuana because it was hers.
He admitted they began smoking pot together when his daughter was between 11 and 12 years old. According to the affidavit, Ambergey said the only time he smoked pot with his daughter was at his sister’s house at 11072 State Road 160.
In the affidavit, Ambergey notes that he realized it was a bad idea and told the ISP he was sorry for smoking pot with his daughter at such a young age. He further pointed out he had begun smoking pot with his cousins when he was 9 years old. On March 18th of this year, a detective from the Indiana State Police Post at Sellersburg was contacted by the Washington County Department of Child Services in reference to Paul Amburgey allegedly providing controlled substances to his juvenile child.
After an investigation was completed by the detective an arrest warrant was issued out of Washington County Circuit Court for the arrest of Amburgey was issued on Thursday, June 5. The investigation is continuing.