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Houchin President of State Prosecutor’s Council


Washington County Prosecutor Dustin Houchin is the new chairman of the Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council Board of Directors. He was elected to the post during the recent IPAC 2014 Summer Conference in Bloomington.


Vice chairman of the board is now William C. Hartley, Jr., Wabash County Prosecutor and secretary/treasurer is Daniel S. Murrie, Daviess County Prosecutor. Greene County Prosecutor Jarrod Holtsclaw is the outgoing IPAC Board Chairman.

The 3-day summer conference for county prosecutors and their deputies featured updates of the new criminal code legislated this year by the Indiana General Assembly, as well as sessions on ethics, case law, elder abuse, case management, child support, felony diversions, new breath test instruments and community outreach. Approximately 230 elected and appointed prosecutors attended.

“It is an honor and a privilege to assume this position with the Council,” said Chairman Houchin.  “I hope to continue the great work the organization has done on behalf of prosecutors and the public.”

Elected for a first term to the board of directors was Delaware County Prosecutor Jeffrey Arnold. The remaining board of directors of the IPAC are elected prosecutors: Terry R. Curry, Marion County; Christopher Gall, Monroe County; Christopher Harvey, Decator County;  John F. Sievers, Knox County; and Steven Stewart, Jefferson County.