During the summer and fall, State Sen. Brent Steele (R-Bedford) will serve as vice-chair of the Interim Study Committee on Courts and the Judiciary.
“One important issue the committee will study this year is digital privacy,” Steele said. “Modern technology poses new threats to our privacy, which is why the General Assembly passed new protections for Hoosiers this year. The committee’s work over the next few months will further examine data collection methods by law enforcement and other organizations to make sure our privacy rights are upheld.”
Steele was also appointed to the following summer study committees, commissions and councils:
• Interim Study Committee on Corrections and Criminal Code
• Military Base Planning Council
• Orange County Development Advisory Board
• Indiana Public Defender Commission
When Indiana’s part-time legislature is not in session, lawmakers are assigned to interim study committees that meet to review the state’s top issues, as identified by the General Assembly during the prior legislative session.
Study committee topics are assigned by the bipartisan Legislative Council, comprised of 16 voting members — eight from the House of Representatives and eight from the Senate. Steele is also a member of the Legislative Council.
To view interim committee agendas and stream hearings online, visit iga.in.gov and click on “Interim Committees.”