Who owns Washington County? Thousands of people have a piece of it, and they are listed in the new plat book published by the Purdue Extension – Washington County with Mapping Solutions. The 2014 book is available for purchase for $30 at the Purdue Extension – Washington County Office, 806 Martinsburg Road, Suite 104, in Salem. Plat books can be mailed for an additional $5 charge. For more information call (812) 883-4601.
Large premium wall maps are also available for $40. One wall map will be given away in a drawing. Anyone interested needs to sign up in the Purdue Extension – Washington County office by July 31st.
The spiral bound book features landownership maps of Washington County. These maps include the property boundaries for all rural parcels within the township, the name of the owner and the number of acres owned. Also, there is a handy landowner index for easy cross referencing. Due to the large number and small lot sizes, the book does not include those maps of landowners within Washington County towns, villages and cities.
Also found in the new edition are a county road map and road index as well as municipal maps for Campbellsburg, Fredericksburg, Hardinsburg, Salem and Pekin. Information about the Purdue Extension – Washington County and an explanation of the public land survey system are handy additions.
This information is valuable to anyone with a need to know who owns land in Washington County. Prospective or adjoining property owners, hunters, foresters, timber and petroleum industry personnel, emergency services and many others would be interested in having a copy.
The Purdue Extension – Washington County office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday. It is located on the lower level of the Washington County Government Building. Purchases may be made with cash or check.
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