Tuesday afternoon, officers from the Indiana State Police Internet Crimes Against Children, (ICAC), Task Force and troopers from the Indiana State Police Post at Sellersburg, arrested Isaac William Schmitt, 25 years of age, from East State Road #60, Pekin anc charged him with possession of child pornography.
The arrest was the result of a tip relayed to officers from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, (NCMEC), of a subject allegedly uploading child pornography to an internet account.
As officers began their investigation Tuesday, it led to Borden, IN, where the suspect was located at his place of employment.
After speaking with Schmitt at his place of employment, officers along with Schmitt went to his residence located at 6045 East State Road #60 in Pekin, (Washington County).
After completing an initial search of his personal computer he was taken into custody.
Schmitt was transported to the Washington County Jail where he was incarcerated on the charges of Possession of Child Pornography, Felony and Child Exploitation, Felony.
This investigation is continuing.