Home WSLM NEWS Local News WSLM Extends IU and Colts Broadcast Rights For Louisville Market

WSLM Extends IU and Colts Broadcast Rights For Louisville Market


WSLM extends sports contracts, locking up broadcast rights in the Louisville market for IU Sports and the Indianapolis Colts.

IU sports continues in the Kentuckiana radio market this fall thanks to an extended agreement between locally owned Salem Media and WSLM 97.9 FM and WSLM 1220 AM and Indiana University Sports Properties, the exclusive multimedia rights holder for Indiana University Athletics.

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Concurrent with the 2014-15 athletic season, WSLM will carry all football and men’s and women’s basketball games for the Indiana Hoosiers, as well as both one-hour coaches’ shows.

The long time IU radio affiliate will provide Hoosier fans in the Kentuckiana area quality broadcasts through the 2017-18 season, and beyond.

White said she signed a three year contract with the Colts, ensuring the Southern Indiana and Louisville market will be able to hear the World Championship team well into the future.

“Our station is very excited to continue to be the Kentuckiana Home for the Indiana Hoosiers and Indianapolis Colts in Southern Indiana and Louisville,” said Becky White, owner and general manager.

“Listeners in our market can expect our stations to cover their Hoosier teams, from play-by-play of games with legendary announcer Don Fischer, to weekly coaches’ shows and additional exclusive programming like INSIDE IU WITH DON FISCHER, which we’ve exclusively produced for the past two years.”

White said WSLM has been a part of Learfield Communication for 40 years and was broadcasting IU games before that.

“Two years ago we had a private lunch with Fischer and Dr. Gene Hedrick was a guest,” she said. “Dr. Hedrick said he remembered being in dental school in Indianapolis in the late 50s and listening to IU ballgames on WSLM before Learfield became involved. We’re not the flagship station for IU, but I’d say we’re close.”

Not only will WSLM 97.9 FM be bringing all the Colts action during game time, but will also bring a pre-game and post-game show.

“One of the great things, too, for our sponsors,” said White, “is the ability to advertise their business on market-exclusive programming, but also the opportunity to get tickets to Colts and IU Sports with paid sponsorships. And we will have the opportunity to have the legendary voices of these sports teams to voice sponsor commercials with voice work from Don Fischer and Bob Lamey.”