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SOAR! gets $8,000 boost from Community Foundation


Washington County SOAR! has completed and received the $8,000.00 matching grant from the Washington County Community Foundation, according to Stephanie K. Rockey, the new director of the literacy program now based in the local library. 

SOAR and WCCF MG 2014 (800x535)

“Through private donations and fundraisers we received the funds to complete the matching grant,” said Rockey. “Our long standing mission is to increase literacy throughout Washington County by promoting and providing educational resources for adults and families.”

Rockey said  the program will continue to promote literacy through individualized one-on-one adult tutoring; the Put Your Nose In A Book program; The Dictionary Project, and numerous community events.

“Increasing the literacy rate among Washington County adults and promoting literacy within the youth, will close the gap and lower the illiteracy rate in the future,” she said. “We have been thriving, since our restructuring took place earlier this year and now this matching grant further strengthens our foundation. As always, our mission has stayed intact and will continue to thrive. The Washington County Community Foundation is a true blessing to our community and to SOAR!”

For more information about SOAR! visit our website at www.washingtoncountysoar.org or call Rockey at 812-883-5600.