The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) will close State Road 11 south of Interstate 65 at the Jonesville exit in northern Jackson County this weekend (Aug. 1-3) for bridge work.
State Road 11 will close at 1 p.m. Friday and reopen at 6 p.m. Sunday. Motorists are advised to detour around the closure via I-65 and U.S. Highway 50.
CLR, Inc., of Vincennes is the state’s contractor for a $413,284 INDOT Seymour District bridge project to place a polymeric deck overlay on four bridges:
- The 2-span 200-foot bridge over the East Fork of White River located 1.95 miles south of I-65
- The 4-span 202-foot I-Beam bridge over a White River overflow at .48 miles south of I-65
- The 6-span 400-foot I-Beam bridge over a White River overflow at .98 miles south of I-65
- The 7-span 467-foot I-Beam bridge over a White River overflow at 1.49 miles south of I-65
INDOT Spokesman Harry Maginity says these “polycarb” overlays are placed in two lifts to form a three-eighths-inch surface that will seal the four bridge decks from moisture intrusion. He adds that this preventative maintenance measure extends service life of the bridges which ultimately saves money. Maginity says this work had been scheduled for last weekend, but was postponed by inclement weather.