Indiana State Excise Police officers arrested 74 people on 125 charges in Bloomington this weekend.
Excise officers arrested 60 people for illegal possession or consumption of alcohol. Thirty-one people were cited or arrested on charges related to possessing a false ID. Thirteen minors were charged with making a false statement of age to an employee at a licensed establishment. Two people were also charged with being in a tavern or liquor store.
Ten adults were charged with providing alcohol to minors. Two people were also arrested for theft.
On Thursday night, Peter Ferretti, 24, of Charlotte, N.C., was arrested on preliminary charges of operating while intoxicated and OWI/endangering after officers saw his vehicle hit a curb on Atwater Avenue, then go on top of the curb nearly striking a tree, then return to the road, where the driver failed to signal his lane change.
On Saturday night, Austin Dunn, 20, of Greenwood, Ind., was arrested after he fled from an excise officer at Kilroy’s Sports Bar, where he tried to get in using a false ID. The officers chased Dunn to the alley behind the Monroe County Jail. After arresting Dunn, officers found a pill bottle with a white powdery substance that a preliminary field test indicated was positive for cocaine. Dunn was preliminarily charged with possession of cocaine, resisting law enforcement, illegal consumption of alcohol, false statement of age and possession of false ID.
Two men were also arrested on Saturday night after officers saw them walking with cans of Four Loco near 13th Street and Fess Avenue.
John Flaherty, 18, of Hinsdale, Ill., was jailed on preliminary charges of illegal consumption of alcohol and resisting law enforcement. Sean Flaherty, 18, of Peoria, Ill., was jailed on a preliminary charge of illegal consumption of alcohol after he tested .244% BAC on a portable breath test. Sean Flaherty twice told the officer he was 17 years of age.
Five people were also issued traffic tickets for various infractions, including for open container violations.
“The goal of the State Excise Police this week is to help ensure that students arrive on college campuses across the state safely,” Superintendent Matt Strittmatter said. “Sadly, in recent years, at least one student has lost a life because of the excessive consumption of alcohol. We will work diligently to prevent such tragic losses of life.”
As the enforcement division of the Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission, the primary mission of the Indiana State Excise Police is to promote public safety by enforcing Indiana’s Alcoholic Beverage Code. While excise officers have the authority to enforce any state law, they focus primarily on alcohol, tobacco and related laws.
All criminal defendants are to be presumed innocent until, and unless, proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.