Summit Seed Coatings Indiana LLC, a custom traditional and organic seed coating company, announced plans today to locate its first Midwest facility in Salem, creating up to 20 new jobs by 2017.
The Caldwell, Idaho-based company will invest $2.39 million to lease, renovate and equip a 60,000 square-foot facility at 401 South High St. in Salem.
The facility now owned by Aaron Lee, will be operational by January, and will aid in distribution to the company’s Midwest customers, as well as help meet the company’s strong demand, which has increased by 30 percent annually over the past four years.
“We included three Midwestern states in our search,” said Stuart Barclay, manager at Summit Seed Coatings. “While there were similar benefits offered by all of the states, we were attracted by the cultural atmosphere of Salem, which is similar to Caldwell.
Moreover, the help and encouragement by the state of Indiana, the city of Salem and the people we met was a big influence in our selection.”
“The seeds we have planted for a strong business climate are blossoming in Indiana,” said Eric Doden, president of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation. “Companies around the nation like Summit Seed Coatings are selecting the Hoosier State for their agricultural business. In Indiana, they find the right conditions for growth, including a low-cost environment and convenient location close to their customers.”
Summit Seed Coatings, which currently employs 25 full-time associates at its Idaho facility, plans to begin hiring key personnel in Indiana within the next two months. Interested applicants may apply at the company’s Salem facility.
“We included three Midwestern states in our search,” said Stuart Barclay, manager at Summit Seed Coatings. “While there were similar benefits offered by all of the states, we were attracted by the cultural atmosphere of Salem, which is similar to Caldwell. Moreover, the help and encouragement by the state of Indiana, the city of Salem and the people we met was a big influence in our selection.”
Founded in 2002, Summit Seed Coatings produces seed coatings for major seed distributors, which sell their seeds to agriculture dealers and government dealers, as well as at Lowe’s, The Home Depot, Walmart and other garden store chains. The company’s coatings convert more seeds to plants and produce more vigorous seedlings than uncoated seeds. Summit Seed Coatings currently coats small seeded legumes, alfalfa, clover, cover crops, radishes, forage grasses and retail grasses for homeowners.
The Indiana Economic Development Corporation offered Summit Seed Coatings Indiana LLC up to $100,000 in conditional tax credits and up to $17,500 in training grants based on the company’s job creation plans. These tax credits are performance-based, meaning until Indiana residents are hired, the company is not eligible to claim incentives. The city of Salem will consider additional incentives.
“We recognize Summit Seed Coatings as a growing, value-added agribusiness that will fit very well into our area,” said Salem Mayor David Bower. “It provides evidence that the cooperative efforts of the IEDC with Salem provides benefits to all and has a positive impact.”
“We are very pleased that after a very competitive multi-state search Summit Seed Coatings Indiana picked Salem as the best location,” said Bower. “Their decision reinforces our belief that with a coordinated team effort Salem can be very competitive in attracting new companies and investment. After just 2 years of local effort Summit is the latest success story that now totals over $45 million in new investment completed or underway in Salem.
“We expect even more in the near future. It has been the result of strong efforts on the part of many individuals. On this project we want to recognize the efforts of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, Plan Commission Chairman Terry McNeely, Community Development Director Greg Fitzloff as well as the Salem City Council.”
Indiana ranks among the top 10 states in the nation for agricultural sales. Companies like Summit Seed Coatings contribute to the state’s $16 billion food and agricultural sector and help support 245,000 Hoosier jobs across the state.