Home WSLM NEWS Breaking News State Police Find Human Remains in Orange County

State Police Find Human Remains in Orange County


Indiana State Police investigators have found human remains at a Paoli home that might be an additional break in a case regarding a missing Orange County woman.

On October 2, while following information into a search for missing person Michelle Fulton of Paoli, State Police investigators, crime scene technicians and anthropologists from the University of Indianapolis uncovered burnt human remains behind a residence at 6226 South County Road 250 East, Paoli.


As a result, Jeffrey Fulton, 48, was charged with murder.

Today, after receiving additional information, investigators searched an area in an open field near the residence.

Human remains were found, which investigators believe to be Michelle Fulton.

The evidence will be sent to the State Police forensic laboratory for DNA testing to officially confirm the identity.

Additional information will be provided once the remains are property identified.