Home WSLM NEWS Local News Get Ready For Election Day

Get Ready For Election Day


Tuesday is the General Election and all registered voters are encouraged to get out and vote. Polls open at 6 a.m. and close at 6 p.m.

1220 AM WSLM, 97.9 FM WSLM and wslmradio.com as well as social media sites will keep listeners posted with election results as they are available.


Anyone interested in helping obtain election results should tune in and listen beginning at 6p as Becky White will be at the Washington County Courthouse giving LIVE updates throughout the evening.

“WSLM has been privileged to provide LIVE and updated election coverage in Washington County and the region for more than 50 years,” said White.

Please keep these tips in mind in order to make this year’s General Election Day a successful one.

  • First you must be a registered voter.
  • If a resident is unsure whether he or she is registered,com and the Hoosier Voter Hotline (1-866-IN-1-VOTE) can provide registration statuses.
  • Voters are reminded to present a valid driver’s license or a government issued photo identification card when reporting to the polls.
  • The next step is to cast your vote. Washington County Clerk Shirley Batt reminds voters to know which precinct they should vote at. This is critical to being allowed to cast ballots.
  • Batt urges those who have questions on where they are to vote to call his office at 812-883-5748. The clerk’s office will be open for election-related purposes.

IndianaVoters.com is a great resource for anyone voting this year. The website includes any contact information needed to receive applications or ask any questions about voting. It also includes a list of elected officials and candidates listed on the ballot. Most, if not all, questions can be answered by visiting the site.