According to Amy Crane from Southern Hills Church, there are more than 430 children signed up for the Christmas Assistance Program!
The last day we will take applications is Friday, november 14.
The office will be open from 8:30am-4:00pm. Please call 883-1637 to schedule a time to come out and apply.
In order to apply for assistance, you must bring the following information with you. Applications will not be accepted without proper ID and complete information.
Identification- photo ID for you and every person living with you who is 18 years or older. A birth certificate for each child.
Proof of Address- current utility bill or rent statement in the name of Head of Household.
Phone Number- A phone number where you can be reached if necessary.
Proof of Eligibility- Most recent Food Stamp Determination Letter, proof that you are currently drawing TANF or proof of income for household, such as SSI, Social Security, unemployment, disability, or most recent pay check stub, etc.
Sizes- We will need Correct Sizes For Each Child for infant through 16 years of age.
There will be a toy drive from November 8th- December 6th at the following locations. If you would like your business to participate in the toy drive, please contact Amy at 883-1637.
Lincks Clothing & Shoes, Ace Hardware, JayC, CVS, Discount West & Dollar General
New items needed include: toys for all ages, socks, make up, cologne & perfume, and hand held games, etc. Items most needed for 12-16 year olds.
Shopping Tags (or called Angel Trees) are available at the following locations. Items for children need to be turned in at Southern Hills Church by Dec. 1st.
Southern Hills Church, Salem First Harrison Bank, Mid-Southern Savings Bank, Salem PNC, Pekin PNC, Regions Bank, Old National Bank & First Savings Bank
There are several ways you can help the Christmas Assistance Program.
Volunteer- Several volunteers are needed to do everything from take application, data entry, shop and sort. Hours are flexible!
Sponsor- Pick up a child’s shopping card, buy the items, bring them to the church and we will prepare the gifts for the distribution day.
Donate- If you don’t have the time to shop or volunteer, we also take donations. 100% of the proceeds go to the children! The average cost of one child is $100.