Home WSLM NEWS Local News Two Closings on SR60 for CSX Work Coming Up

Two Closings on SR60 for CSX Work Coming Up


CSX Transportation will close two locations on State Road 60 for two days each to repair railroad crossings in Lawrence and Orange counties.

On or after Tuesday, State Road 60 will close just east of State Road 37 in Mitchell for two days.

On or after Thursday, Nov. 20, S.R. 60 will close west of Saltillo for two days.


Traffic will have access up to each railroad crossing, where all lanes will be closed and no through traffic will be allowed.

The detour for heavy highway traffic follows State Road 37, State Road 337 and State Road 56.

For construction updates and traffic alerts, follow INDOT on social media at http://facebook.com/INDOTVincennesDistrict and http://twitter.com/INDOTSouthwest, or access INDOT’s TrafficWise Traveler Information Service at http://indot.carsprogram.org.