Home WSLM NEWS Local News Chat with the DNR about Christmas Trees on Facebook Wednesday

Chat with the DNR about Christmas Trees on Facebook Wednesday


Facebook followers of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources can “talk” online with Community and Urban Forester Carrie Tauscher from 2-3 p.m. EST on Wednesday, Nov. 19, on the DNR’s Facebook wall.


Tauscher will discuss using a live Christmas tree versus an artificial tree, picking a tree and keeping it fresh through the holidays. Participants are invited to join the conversation and bring any questions that they would like answered.

Future topics, instructions on how to join a conversation on Facebook, and commenting guidelines are posted at dnr.IN.gov/7315.htm.

To join a chat, go to the DNR’s Facebook wall, facebook.com/INdnr, and click “like” (if you are not already a “friend”).

You may begin typing questions during the time slot. The DNR experts will answer questions as time allows.